Friday 29 June 2007

Charity attacks rush for biofuels

A furious attack on the drive to grow more biofuels has been launched by a charity supporting poor farmers in developing countries.

The charity - called Grain - says their research shows the rush for biofuels is causing much more environmental and social damage than previously realised.

full article

Wednesday 27 June 2007

A milestone on the road to green fuel

BP is leading a project to make ethanol from wheat at a £200m plant in Hull that may fulfil a third of Britain's requirements from 2009. Sean O'Grady looks at the future for biofuels

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World's first floating wind farm to be built in North Sea

The world's first floating wind turbine could be up and running in under two years after the German engineering giant Siemens teamed up with a Norwegian energy group yesterday to try to generate electricity in the middle of the North Sea.

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Monday 25 June 2007

Biofuels to blame as beer prices soar 40 per cent in Germany

Published: 24 June 2007

Biofuels may be good for the environment, but they are bad news for German beer drinkers. Prices in the country's pubs look set to rise by 40 per cent this year, because Germany's farmers are growing less barley for beer production and more crops for biodiesel and bioethanol.

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