Monday 29 March 2010

Boiler scrappage scheme comes to an end

The government’s £400 boiler scrappage scheme is now run out of funds, but energy companies are now offering discounts.

The boiler scrappage scheme for England is now closed.

A total of 125,000 households have now applied for the £400 discounts on the price of a new boiler, after the £50m scheme was launched in January.
The scheme’s been a great success

Energy minister Lord Hunt said: “The scheme’s been a great success and is already helping people cut down on their fuel bills. An ‘A-rated’ energy efficient boiler can help save around £200 a year off fuel bills and reduce emissions.

"The scheme has also provided a much needed boost to England’s plumbers and boiler manufacturers, helping to sustain work for the 130,000 installers and up to 25 UK-based boiler manufacturers throughout the economic recovery.”

However, households can still receive discounts for old boilers from energy firms.

full article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alguien en Argentina que le haya pasado esto?