Friday, 29 August 2008

Ten tips to beat energy price hikes

LONDON (Reuters) - The average cost of household gas prices is predicted to rise by up to 40 percent this year. Following is a list of tips from consumer organisations on how to fight back.
1. Check out tariffs
2. Are you entitled to benefits?
3. Could you sign up for social tariffs?
4. Get free advice
5. Get a grant to improve the energy efficiency of your home
6. Get energy-efficient light bulbs
8. Curtain call
9. Turn off your computer and other electrical appliances.
10. Insulate your loft

You can also get a list of the supply companies operating in your area, together with the prices they charge, from Energywatch, the gas and electricity watchdog, by calling 0845 906 0708.

If you are over 60 and not receiving the payment, call the government's Winter Fuel Payment helpline on 08459 151 515.

Ron Cambell of National Energy Action advises all customers to freephone 0800 512 012 to speak to their local Energy Efficiency Advice centre.

Grants cover loft and cavity wall insulation, draft prevention, repairs of faulty boilers and assessment of your home's energy status. To check your eligibility, freephone 0800 316 6011.

full article

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